All of my children are answers to prayer. This guy here was God's reminder to me that He is still in the business of making and keeping promises even when we deserve it the least. The specifics of that particular story will be saved for another day.
For now I will tell you that these blue eyes are both fire and ice.

He is the young man who will hold open the door for an elderly person and then be the biggest jerk ever to his younger sisters. He is either jovial and ornery or quiet and confrontational... he is also currently 16 years old, which explains a lot.
When he was nine months old he stood up in the middle of the room and started taking steps... and he has never stopped trying to be the leader of the pack.
He is creative and mechanically inclined and one of the hardest working young men you will ever meet.
He can watch a 10 minute YouTube video on how to replace a radiator in a car and then single handedly work all day to get it done.
He is strong and brave even though he isn't very sure about that right now.
One day I pray that he will come to have even half as much confidence in himself as I have in him. Until then I will just love him and cherish the moments when he calms his voice and speaks to me a little bit like he used to, when he was little and loved more openly and without trepidation.
For the sake of privacy I will refer to him as Mr. Stone.
He is number 3 of the reasons that I know I am blessed.
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