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Why Plain and Simple?

Plain and simple there isn't much about me that is interesting or exciting. As painfully true as it may be, the term 'average' would be a pretty good word to use as a description for me... on my best days that is. There are also plenty of days where below average would fit quite a bit better. 

I'm on the other side of my mid 40's now. It has taken me this long to barely begin the process of embracing the who and where I am. I have spent a great deal of time wondering if I have settled for less than what I had planned. 

That wondering has often led me to 2 main questions. #1:Where exactly did I think I was going to end up anyway? and #2: What's so bad with the where I have come to call here?

I'm still working on both answers actually, but I'll tell you what I have come up with so far. 

#1: I never really had a solid plan to begin with. I have always had a better idea of where I didn't want to end up than where I did want to end up. I have often agonized over the fact that I was not one of those kids who always knew what they wanted to be when they grew up. The truth is, I'm the adult that still doesn't know.

I have always been better at simply steering clear of the things I didn't want to be, like drug dealer or murderer. So ya, as far as that goes (and by God's grace), I guess I have succeeded or something, right?! Sure!

#2: So far, the answer to this question is my favorite. There is SO much about the where that I am that is just plain and simply good. Not extravagant, not ambitious, not even especially noteworthy I suppose (by Hollywood standards anyway). But it is sooooo good!

I live in a single wide trailer out in the country. I am thankful to say that it does come equipped with what most would consider modern day conveniences, but there isn't a darn thing about it that is fancy. 


I'm here to tell you I am surrounded by beautifully plain and simple things! I want to share that with you because I have missed a lot of that by being focused on what I don't have. 

Maybe there aren't very many people that want to read about my plain and simple life, but maybe there is someone who does. Maybe someone can read about my little pieces of heaven here on earth and begin to see their own pieces.

For instance my heart skips a beat when I hear one of our 2 week old ram lambs calling for his mama out in the front yard. And there's more...  I can watch the sun rise, unobscured by the busy landscape of the city every morning by simply looking out of my west living room window. I can watch that same sun set peacefully out of my east living room window. It makes me chuckle a bit when I add the part about how our home is so simply small that I can sit in the same chair and have an excellent view out of both of those windows. 

Plain and simple, I have found that joy has so much to do with perspective and what I choose to focus on. Maybe I can hold up the lense for others to see their own plain and simple beauty, and find their own priceless and inexpensive joy. 

Why plain and simple? Because it's worth looking at. 



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