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Formal Introduction * Ms. Powerful

I met her before she was 2. 

She has always been this beautiful, pictures don't even do her justice. 

She is both sweet and stormy. 

She commands attention without saying a word. 

She is powerful, brilliant, hardworking and kind. 

She is the one who pours herself into your world so naturally being around her is like taking a breath of fresh air.

For me it was love at first sight and although we've had our rocky moments (we're both pretty sure we need to be the one in control 😋), I've never regretted a single moment of my experience with her.


She is 19 now. 

For the sake of privacy I will call her Ms. Powerful.

She may not share my DNA, but I love her with every fiber of my being and smile deeply every time she calls me mom.

She is number 2 of the 6 reasons I know that I am blessed. 



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